Author: Deer & Deer Hunting
Published: January 3, 2023

A great hunting story from Deer and Deer Hunting!

“Oct. 17–30 we were having a cold front move in with some mornings in the low 30s. On Oct. 20, Sam texted me a trail cam pic of a nice 8-point walking at sunset. On Friday he sent me a pic of two bucks fighting inside 20 yards of the popup blind. So he had me call him later that day and said we really need to try and go. I hadn’t really been watching the trail cams because we had a trespasser last week and neighboring dogs almost daily. He asked me to put corn out as well which peaked my interest because that means deer are walking. So I checked a couple cameras and saw a couple bucks patterning every 6 hours. The problem was my wife Jennifer was leaving for Ft. Lauderdale on Monday, and I wanted to spend as much time with her and her with the boys.

Friday we went to dinner with Uncle Kevin and he wanted me to play golf Saturday, which I declined. Told him we weren’t doing anything but I told Camden, my oldest son, to wake me up before 5:30 if he was awake and I would check cameras to make sure nothing walked within the past 2 hours or so. Well, 5:32 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 22, Camden woke me up and told me to check cameras. I got up, went to the bathroom and splashed some water on my face. We had maybe one picture from the entire night. I woke Jennifer up and told her Camden woke me up to hunt, and she was adamant we need to go. We brushed our teeth and went downstairs to get dressed.

We made the 35-minute drive with ease, but I had never been in the dark and couldn’t find the turn. So we had to take the back way, which had us driving all over the property and when we parked under Keller’s tree and opened the door, there were dogs barking inside 100 yards. Our heads dropped. We just went through a long drive and waking up early, but I said screw it and we drove over the corn (quickly) and parked at the other side about 100–150 yards from the blind. We got out and Camden was scared because of the dogs still barking, but I reassured him I would protect us. We sprayed our boots with no-scent spray and walked in. The windows were barely cracked on the blind and the tripod wouldn’t reach so we walked through how we would shoot with me holding the barrel. It looked like it would work.”
The full article can be found here.
Photo Credit: Original Author

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