Paul Agrillo

Author: Paul Agrillo
Published: April 20, 2023

During the heat of battle, a successful turkey hunter must analyze a multitude of situations with swiftness and then formulate a strategy to successfully harvest their feathered quarry. The foundation of this article is to unlock your own turkey-hunting analytical software, with all your previous triumphs as the hard drive. When you are on a hot gobbler, instead of merely employing the basic set up and call routine, take the time to factor in as many variables as possible before you begin your engagement with the bird.

The Rookie

Some hunters newer to turkey hunting are obviously not going to have as many success stories to reflect upon when they encounter a tough gobbler. A great tip for new hunters is to acquire pertinent biological and behavioral information, as well exhaust all your possible resources to gain data from a hunting standpoint.  Probe the internet for articles about turkey hunting strategies, as well as search for articles that discuss the stages of the breeding cycle and a turkey’s daily routines in the spring.  It will pay dividends as the different hunting situations unfold.  Having a basic awareness before you start hunting these magnificent birds will aid you in your pursuit.  The hunter needs enough basic information to design a plan and have other alternate strategies if the first is unsuccessful.

Consider your variables:

There are several factors determining how each hunting situation will unfold. Some of them to consider are: Which stage of the breeding cycle are you hunting in? Is the gobbler actively breeding hens? How much pressure have the birds received? What time of the day is it? Are the weather conditions a factor? Is there suitable cover to set up in? Which direction is he most likely to approach from? Does he have hens? How often is he gobbling? Are there any obstructions between you and him that you are aware of? Does he travel a certain route each day after he flies down?

The variables are endless. The principle is to take what you feel directly applies to your situation. You will then be able to deduce which plan of action will work in your favor. In as little time as possible, cycle the data that you’ve accumulated and formulate a feasible strategy. Then initiate the hunt with your bird.   Click here to continue reading!

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