11 Ways to Welcome Women Into Deer Camp

11 Ways to Welcome Women Into Deer Camp

Author: National Deer Association
Published: July 7, 2022

I’ve had the wonderful benefit of growing up in a family that considers hunting the main event. Not only are the men of our family hunting, but the women are strong and independent hunters themselves. Grandmothers, mothers, daughters and sisters all hunting together in our happy place: the great outdoors. Outside my family experiences, I’ve often looked around at my hunting environment and noticed I was one of the few women present, or the only one. This is something far too many have experienced in their hunting space. 

The female hunter demographic has grown in the last several years. According to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, 10% of hunters are women, and that number is increasing. Seeing this number rise brings me pride as a hunter and as a woman. The increase in female hunters is promising, but we must continue to find ways to fuel this growth and share the world of hunting with all. From my personal experience and reaching out to colleagues and family members, I’ve compiled a list of why and how you can help welcome women into hunting traditions. Reap the benefits of sharing this experience with all who are interested. Whether it’s a daughter, sister, wife, or friend, someone in your circle may be just the thing to improve your hunting experience.   To continue, click here

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