Idaho Wild Fires

Idaho Wild Fires

Author: Mule Deer Foundation
Published: November 12, 2021

A fire that started from a group of careless individuals in Idaho would create a mass ripple effect on a variety of wildlife species populations. See how the Tex Creek Wildlife Management Area is taking drastic steps to ensure no incidents occur again.

“As the sun breaks over the Caribou Mountains of eastern Idaho, the sound of a generator perched atop the tongue of an enclosed and refrigerated trailer, breaks the stillness of a frosty October morning. Inside the trailer are 32,000 sagebrush seedlings raised from seed collected locally and nurtured in a Rexburg greenhouse a short drive away from the Tex Creek Wildlife Management Area (WMA). The refrigerated trailer is a necessity to the survival of these plants, as daytime temps will climb rapidly into the mid to upper 70’s, and exposure to the heat and dry air in their delicate state, will risk their very survival before they can make it into the red volcanic dirt, and sand as fine as talcum powder.”


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