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Are you seeing birds on the move?
With November finally bringing some colder temperatures, many folks in the North are saying goodbye to beloved timberdoodles, while our friends down south are ready for their return.
So who is still getting into fall bass? Some areas of the country are starting to freeze while others, anglers are hooking up in shorts and t-shirts. Let's see what you're catching, post a photo in the comments. Then visit Mud Hole Custom Tackle at, start a rod build, and earn Mud Bucks. gloves must provide or allow for dexterity, thermal protection and concealment. Hunt Monkey checks all the boxes. See the latest Gear Wise video at
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Florida is a state in the Southeastern region of the United States, bordered by Georgia and Alabama to the north; and by the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico to the east, west, and south. The state’s natural resources are managed by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. The commission manages fish and wildlife resources for their long-term well-being and the benefit of people, which includes more than 34 million acres of public and private land including 6.07 million acres of wildlife management areas. The FWS protects and manages more than 575 species of wildlife, 200 native species of freshwater fish and more than 500 native species of saltwater fish. Their goal is to balance these species’ needs with the needs of approximately 20 million residents and the millions of visitors who share the land and water with Florida’s wildlife. Per the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation, Florida has more than 3.15 million hunters and anglers spend $5.9 billion per year and support 94,884 jobs. For more information on hunting and fishing in Florida please visit and for information on traveling to Florida visit
Seasons & Regulations
Information on licenses and seasons can be found at Registered users can purchase hunting as well as fresh and salt water fishing licenses. Seasons are presented for each species including bag and size limits.
May 27, 2022
Looking forward to getting back to Key West for some more Mahi-Mahi!